Thursday, May 14, 2009

Restoration process


Windchest restoration - Pipe rack

To ensure that the pipes will be on its place, they have to be properly fitted on the pipe racks. Since the original pipe rack has been totally damaged by termites, a new set of racks were constructed based on the old parts. Fitting the pipes on the rack is important so that the pipe will stand straight on the chest. There is nothing nicer to see than all pipes standing straight on the chest. But another reason why they have to stand straight is that they can easily bend and sag because of its weight. Lead and tin are malleable metals, if the pipes are somehow leaning on one side, after some time the material will be stressed and will slowly bend to the force of gravity.

Setting the Sliders

Fitting the pipes on the rack

For best fit, we use heated forms to burn the holes.

Reconstructing the missing Bajoncillo

Reconstructing the shallots of the Bajoncillo